Sunday, February 28, 2010

Extra Credit:2

To continue my use of no technology is becoming more difficult. Although I say it's easy to get by without a cell phone, I think of it many times to just send a text message. Although I've only been using my phone for emergency situations, it makes me wonder about when I was younger and my family didn't have cell phones. What did we do when something happened out on the road or you needed to talk to someone who wasn't home? It's obviously possibly and personally I think it could be less stressful. When out on the road and then you get a call from work, sometimes is makes you wish you left the phone at home. However, I feel now we are so dependent on these things, that we really can't be without them. I'm not a big television person. I rarely watch it. If I'm not doing school work, I'm working at one of my 2 jobs. I always try to keep myself busy with productive things. I do take time to relax, but ususally that's with my computer. This week I'm happy with my myself for getting ahead on the school work that I did.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Extra Credit 1

I started the "no technology" assignment on Monday this week. Going into this I was a little weary about it. I wasn't sure if I could do it or not. The more I thought about it I thought it would be easy. I can go without my cell phone for a week, I don't use it that much. I'm only using it to make important phone calls right now. I never watch TV or movies so that's an easy one for me too. My problem comes with my computer. I do a lot of random surfing online. As of now, I've avoided using my computer unless for homework assignments. What I've been doing instead is getting ahead of school work, with novels for this class a History novel to read as well are keeping me busy. And with Spring Break arriving soon, I don't want a lot of work. I've also been going to the gym to keep me busy without technology. No, I haven't been using an Ipod either. As of today, I'd say I'm doing well. Let's see what the weekend brings me.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Week 4: Feed

I think that 'Feed' was a very weird/interesting book. Many things that happened in the book I thought were very strange. Though, it was a science fiction book, so that's what I would've expected. Having a chip insterted into your brain to control everything you do, where you have no control over it. This can be related to our culture in a way though I think because although we can contorl our own actions, I think that in so many ways, the government is controlling what we are doing. I don't want to start a debate so I'm not going to dwell on the politics. All in all, I did not enjoy the novel, it's not my type of literature, not that any kind is, but I'd certainly reccomend it to someone who enjoys science fiction.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Week 3: Dumbest Generation

Are we really the dumbest generation? I could agree with this in some ways, but disagree in others. I agree with this statement because I believe there are some basic things people in this generation don't know how to do that should know. For example: I notice that a lot of people rely on a calculator for very basic math sometimes such as adding/subtracting and especially when it comes to fractions. Another thing is using slang in writing. I see a lot of students who write papers using slang words such as cuz, tho, 2, u in inappropriate situations. Which is caused by the texting and instant messaging. And honestly I don't think they know it's wrong. I believe these are all things everyone should know.
However, in a way I disagree with us being considered the dumbest generation. I believe that with the evolution of technology, that we are open to learn a lot more than what our grandparents and maybe even parents did. We are open to using more sources for information such as computers and electronic databases. I also realize that some things I've learned in high school, my grandparents knew nothing about.
And as for the video with Miss South Carolina (I think), there are actually dumb people in the world, and I think she could be considered one of them.
Are we really the dumbest generation? I don't think so. But I think generations to come will also be considered the same.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Week 2: Advertisement

First off, I apologize for being late. I completely forgot about it this week and just got to my computer today.

The video "Killing me Softly" talked mainly about the advertising today. Seeing over 3000 ads a day is quite a lot, however they are everywhere. On clothes, bags, websites, and more. I think that it is ashame the way women are portrayed in ads. Until I saw this video I never thought too much of it. But now, every ad I look at, I look at in a different way. I don't think it's right the way some ads are displayed. & what message are they trying to send you? Sometimes you get the complete opposite of to what they really want you to see. As much as she talked about women in advertisments, what about the men? I don't think I see quite as many men as I do women in advertisments. Nor are the men exposed as much as the women. Granted there are men shirtless, but that's not unusual for a guy. I don't think it's always right the way women are used in advertising, however I can believe that they help greatly in advertising a product and having success.