Sunday, February 28, 2010

Extra Credit:2

To continue my use of no technology is becoming more difficult. Although I say it's easy to get by without a cell phone, I think of it many times to just send a text message. Although I've only been using my phone for emergency situations, it makes me wonder about when I was younger and my family didn't have cell phones. What did we do when something happened out on the road or you needed to talk to someone who wasn't home? It's obviously possibly and personally I think it could be less stressful. When out on the road and then you get a call from work, sometimes is makes you wish you left the phone at home. However, I feel now we are so dependent on these things, that we really can't be without them. I'm not a big television person. I rarely watch it. If I'm not doing school work, I'm working at one of my 2 jobs. I always try to keep myself busy with productive things. I do take time to relax, but ususally that's with my computer. This week I'm happy with my myself for getting ahead on the school work that I did.

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