Thursday, February 25, 2010

Extra Credit 1

I started the "no technology" assignment on Monday this week. Going into this I was a little weary about it. I wasn't sure if I could do it or not. The more I thought about it I thought it would be easy. I can go without my cell phone for a week, I don't use it that much. I'm only using it to make important phone calls right now. I never watch TV or movies so that's an easy one for me too. My problem comes with my computer. I do a lot of random surfing online. As of now, I've avoided using my computer unless for homework assignments. What I've been doing instead is getting ahead of school work, with novels for this class a History novel to read as well are keeping me busy. And with Spring Break arriving soon, I don't want a lot of work. I've also been going to the gym to keep me busy without technology. No, I haven't been using an Ipod either. As of today, I'd say I'm doing well. Let's see what the weekend brings me.

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